Cost of Living

In the first film series we will see 2022-2023 Baptist Union President Rev Hayley Young exploring ‘Can the church really make a difference in the cost of living crisis?’.

We’ll hear from individuals, organisations and groups across the country who are supporting those experiencing the challenges of the cost of living crisis as well as those living with it.

The films include stories sharing the difficult reality of life in the UK. It will challenge you to listen to the Spirit on how the Church can respond to the things we hear and see in not only these videos but in our day to day lives.

There is also additional material which provides a deeper dive into the questions asked by those featured in the films as well as further questions to be discussed either individuals or as groups but are there to challenge our way of thinking.

This film series has been done in parternship with FH Digtal, who had produced the additional resources.

Episode 1

In this episode we hear a little about the local, national and global climate and setting out our context withing the global perspective; before looking at poverty within the UK.

We meet Toni, who shares her story with us and the impact the current crisis is having on her and her family.

We hear of the impact of the crisis is having in schools , with children and young people.

This episode explores especially the impact on families and hearing the voice of young people/adults. We are challenged on how we are engaging young people in our decisions/priorities as a church in serving the community.

View the discussion/small group material for episode 1 here.

Episode 2

In this episode we explore the growing cost of food: 1 in 5 people say they are skipping meals in order to cope with the cost of living crisis.

We hear about how food prices increased In January 2020; which affected the supermarket basic ranges most.

Also we see churches using food banks as a way of addressing the issues of rising food costs. This episode questions the effectiveness of providing people with dignity whilst they are in food poverty.

We join Toni as she expresses how food banks have impacted and her family.

We are challenged about how we really see and hear people in our communities who access food banks. 

This episode also addresses the link between our worship and food poverty; and what we do on a Sunday is essential to the cost of living crisis.

View the discussion/small group material for episode 2 here.

Episode 3

This episode explores the increase in energy prices and the impact this is having. We hear from Toni about the impact of energy costs that is having on her family.

We are challenged about how our churches are helping to fight the energy crisis in our communities?

We hear the national context of how the energy companies treat people who are unable to keep up with the cost of heating their homes and the impact this has.

We also see the housing crisis in this episode and the result of homeliness as a result of the cost of living crisis.

Where is the churches’ voice for those living in temporary housing? How do we maintain compassion in our time of crisis?

View the discussion/small group material for episode 3 here.

Episode 4

Where is God in this situation?

In this episode we hear of the impact the cost of living crisis is having on people’s mental wellbeing.

In 2022 the Good Childhood report stated that children and young people were most worried about the environment; in 2023 this became the cost of living crisis. We hear of the trauma that is linked to the cost of living crisis for all in our communities.

We are challenged about our pastoral presence in the world; outside of the pastoral care of the church.

How can we as a Baptist Movement make a difference? 

View the discussion/small group material for episode 4 here.

For resources on organistaions that can help you in taking the steps to repsonding to the Cost of Living Crisis click here.

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